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NACD Asociatia Nationala pentru Dezvoltarea Copilului

Daca aveti un copil cu leziuni cerebrale atunci stiti despre atitudinea pesimista pe care o au doctorii asupra viitorului acestui copil. Terapiile standard pot parea insuficiente sau prea fragmentate pentru a conduce spre o imbunatatire semnificativa. NACD ajuta!

Abordarea NACD este bazata pe o evaluare a dezvoltarii neurologice care ofera informatii asupra dezvoltarii copilului in toate domeniile cheie. Bazandu-se pe rezultatul acestei evaluari, NACD elaboreaza un program individualizat pentru a ajunge la ulrmatorul stadiu al dezvoltarii in fiecare din acele domenii. Programul este conceput pentru a fi eficient si relevant pentru nevoile fiecarui copil in parte. Folosind ca reper dezvoltarea normala, programul NACD cauta sa antreneze creierul sa evolueze prin fiecare etapa a dezvoltarii. Pentru a tine pasul cu schimbarile copilului, programul sufera mereu modificari, fiind revizuit tot timpul.

In timpul acestui proces, parintii primesc informatii si suport moral. Acestia sunt invatati cum sa implementeze programul si sunt sustinuti de personalul care le este atribuit si le sta la dispozitie oricand pentru lamuriri. NACD vede parintii ca fiind experti cand vine vorba de proprii copii si le pune la dispozitie toate cunostintele de care dispune. In schimb, parintii ofera NACD informatii cruciale pentru a pune la punct programul fiecarui copil.

NACD se mandreste cu lista lunga de parinti si copii pe care i-a ajutat sa progreseze. NACD este interesat de rezultate si de viitor. In functie de rezultate, ei isi adapteaza metodele implementate in cadrul programului. Lucrand cu parintii si respectand legatura acestora cu copiii lor, NACD doreste sa creeze un viitor mai bun pentru copii si parintii acestora.

NACD the National Association for Child Development

If you have a brain-injured child then you are aware that the medical community tends to be very pessimistic about the future. Standard therapies may seem insufficient and too fragmented to make a significant improvement. NACD can help.

NACD’s approach is based on performing a neurodevelopmental assessment that gives information regarding a child’s function in all key areas. Based on the results of this detailed assessment, an individualized NACD program is designed to work on achieving the next developmental step in each of those areas. The programs are designed to be very efficient, very relevant to each specific child’s needs. Using typical development as the guide, the NACD program seeks to train the brain to move the child forward through each developmental step. In order to keep up with the child’s changing status, the programs are “works in progress” constantly being assessed and updated.

Throughout this process, parents are trained and supported. Parents are taught how to implement the program and are then supported by staff assigned to them who are available to answer their questions at any time. NACD views parents as experts on their own children and gives them all of the knowledge that NACD has to offer. In return, the parents provide crucial information to NACD to help better assess and fine-tune each child’s program.

NACD is proud of its record of helping parents help their children progress. NACD is interested in outcomes and futures. Outcomes are the criteria we use to assess what methods are utilized. Working with parents and respecting the unparalleled commitment of parents to their children, NACD works hand in hand with families to create a better future for their children.

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