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Oxigenoterapia Hiperbara (HBOT) se refera la utilizarea oxigenului la o presiune mai mare decat cea normala, in scopuri medicale.

In esenta, HBOT a fost folosit in tratamentul bolii de decompresie (intalnita la scafandrii). Insa si-a aratat eficienta si in tratarea intoxicatiei cu monoxid de carbon.

Studii recente au aratat ca aceasta terapie ar putea avea rezultate benefice in boli precum paralizia cerebrala, autismul, leziuni cerebrale si scleroza multipla.​

În condiţii de presiune crescută, oxigenul devine un medicament. Cu ajutorul lui poate fi tratată orice infecţie, pot fi refăcute ţesuturile suferinde şi pot fi „impulsionate” performanţele, fie ele intelectuale sau sportive. Rolul oxigenării hiperbare este de a creşte cantitatea de oxigen de la nivel celular, astfel încât să fie optimizate efectele acestuia asupra organismului uman.
Oxigenul hiperbar are darul de genera refacerea ţesuturilor afectate de traume, de a elimina infecţiile sau de a îmbunătăţi capacitatea de memorare.
Oxigenarea hiperbară are rolul de a eficientiza terapiile logopedului, kinetoterapeutului etc. astfell încât copilul să reactioneze mult mai repede.

Oxigenoterapia Hiperbara (HBOT)

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), is the medical use of oxygen at a level higher than atmospheric pressure.

HBOT found early use in the treatment of decompression sickness. But it has also shown great effectiveness in treating conditions such as gas gangrene and carbon monoxide poisoning. More recent research has examined the possibility that it may also have value for other conditions such as cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury and multiple sclerosis.

At a higher pressure, oxygen becomes a medicine. With this medicine, any infection can be treated, damaged tissue can be healed and intellectual and sport abilities can be boosted.. The role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy is to rise the quantity of oxygen at the cellular level, to optimize its effect over the whole body.

Hyperbaric oxygen has the gift of determining traumatized tissue to regenerate itself, the ability to eliminate infections and it can stimulate the memory.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy makes speech therapy, kinetotherapy and other therapies much more efficient, so that the child reacts to them much quicker.

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