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David s-a nascut pe 2 iulie 2010, desi era programat pentru sfarsitul lui august. Pe toata durata sarcinii am facut controale peste controale, ecografii 2D, 3D, 4D, cate D-uri au fost, eu le-am facut, am efectuat toate analizele care mi-au fost recomandate si totul mergea ca pe roate.
Cand aveam cam 32 de saptamani de sarcina, ginecoloaga la care mergeam (dr. Terfaloaga din Arad) mi-a spus ca va trebui sa nasc "putin" mai repede pentru ca placenta imi era imbatranita...insa nu s-a aratat foarte alarmata. Imi daduse de inteles ca acest lucru era normal..chiar daca nu era deloc asa. Daca m-ar fi dus mintea putin mai mult si as fi cerut o a doua opinie poate baietelul meu era acum sanatos. Insa, pe vremea aia inca mai aveam incredere in sistemul nostru medical. Mare greseala!
Dupa 2 saptamani de la ultimul control, parca nu-l mai simteam miscandu-se, asa ca am sunat-o pe ginecoloaga pentru a programa un nou control, urgent. S-a mirat ca ma intorsesem asa de repede, iar dupa ce a controlat puiutul a spus ca e totul OK, copilul cantarea teoretic 1.8kg. Asa ca am intrebat-o daca e normal ca acesta sa nu se mai miste. Abia atunci a inceput sa ma ia putin mai in serios..putin de tot. Mi-a spus ca ar fi bine sa ma internez, dar nu era neaparat sa ma internez atunci (era joi) pentru ca ea pleaca de vineri in concediu in Italia si se intoarce abia luni..deci e OK daca ma internez si luni. Hotarata sa nu mai pierd nici o secunda, mi-am facut bagajul si am plecat la spital in ziua aceea. Avea sa fie prima din sirul de multe idei inspirate pe care le-am avut de cand exista fiul meu.
Si am ajuns la maternitate...m-a preluat tot ginecoloaga cu pricina (ca la control mergeam la ea la cabinet, intr-o clinica privata) dar le-a spus asistentelor sa nu-mi mai faca ecografie ca nu e nevoie...zicea ca a vazut ea ce a avut de vazut in ecografiile de la cabinet. Sa ma tina doar acolo pana luni, iar cand se va intoarce ea imi va face o cezariana si gata. Ma gandesc si acum cu recunostinta la asistenta aia care s-a gandit a doua zi sa ma trimita totusi la un eco..asa, ca sa-l aiba la dosar...ea i-a salvat viata copilului meu. Am ajuns la eco unde m-a intampinat o tipa blonda, plictisita. Am spus buna ziua si am primit in schimb un marait. M-am intins pe pat si atunci a inceput totul. Am vazut-o cum se schimba la fata. A pus mana pe telefon si a chemat pe cineva. In 2 minute a aparut un domn micut de statura care a facut ochii mari cand s-a uitat la ecograf. Mi-a spus sa ma imbrac si sa vin la el in birou cand sunt gata. Mai tarziu aveam sa aflu ca acel domn era seful maternitatii. Pana am ajuns eu in biroul dumnealui, el deja aranjase ca o ambulanta sa ma transporte de urgenta la Timisoara unde ma astepta un doctor pregatit sa ma opereze.
Am fost treaza pe timpul cezarienei. Copilul meu nu a plans cand s-a nascut. Era micut si m-au lasat sa il mangai, sa il sarut, sa stie si el ca exista cineva pe lumea asta care il iubeste. I-au facut ceva si atunci a scancit de doua ori, fara vlaga. Plangeam si ma uitam la el neputincioasa. Strigam sa mi-l aduca, sa mi-l arate macar, dar asa cum a aparut a si disparut. L-au dus la terapie intensiva si acolo a ramas 3 saptamani. Nu am avut voie sa-l ating...mi-e asa de greu cand imi aduc aminte acele momente. Tin minte ca era o gaurica in incubatorul lui pe unde strecuram un deget si il mangaiam pe manuta cand nu ma vedeau asistentele. Dupa cezariana, doctorul i-a spus sotului meu ca mai aveam maxim jumatate de ora pana cand copilul ar fi murit sufocat. Nu mai avusesem lichid amniotic, desi nu mi se rupsese apa, iar uterul era mulat pe copil..."ca un sarpe" a fost expresia pe care a folosit-o. Nu-i venea sa creada ca ginecologul care m-a avut sub observatie nu a vazut asta.
Acele 3 saptamani au fost cele mai lungi din cate traisem pana atunci. Eram singura din salon care nu isi primea copilul o data la 3 ore ca sa il alapteze. Am schimbat 4 ture de mamici noi care toate plecau acasa cu copilul lor sanatos si grasut.
Dupa 3 saptamani de plans si dat mita la doctori si asistente, 3 saptamani in care mi se spunea intr-una ca "nu stim ce sa ii mai facem", mi-am facut bagajele si am cerut sa ne transfere la un alt spital, specializat pe copii prematuri (ideea inspirata nr.2). Acolo am tinut prima oara copilul meu in brate. Am simtit ca mi se imnoaie genunchii si nu imi venea sa cred..fiinta aceea mica pe care o simteam langa mine era acel pui necajit pe care il priveam prin sticla de la incubator de atita vreme..atunci am stiut ca voi face tot ce imi sta in putere ca el sa fie bine. Dupa o saptamana de stat pe terapie intensiva si acolo, am fost transferati intr-un salon unde puteam intra sa ii dau eu sa manance. Avea intr-adevar sonda de gavaj si era hranit cu seringa direct in stomac, dar important era ca puteam sa fiu langa el, iar in acele 10-15 minute cat aveam voie sa stau in salon il puteam mangaia, ii puteam vorbi, ii puteam canta...2 luni am stat si acolo in spital, insa situatia a luat-o din nou la vale in momentul in care sefa spitalului a plecat in concediu. Asistentele si doctorii de serviciu au transformat saloanele copiilor in "birt". Imi aduc aminte ca am venit de dimineata sa ii dau lui David sa manance si se scutura foarte tare. Am chemat doctorita si am intrebat-o daca e normal sa faca asa? Mi-a spus ca asa face el. Cand am revenit peste 3 ore la urmatoarea masa, copilul era sedat, iar cand am intrebat care era motivul mi s-a raspuns rastit ca "tu n-ai vazut cum se scutura?". Defapt facuse convulsii si nimeni nu parea ingrijorat de treaba asta si nici nu si-au facut o prioritate din a ma anunta. Nu am mai stat pe ganduri si in ziua urmatoare mi-am cerut din nou transferul, la spitalul de peste drum, la dl. Dr. Craciun Adrian, la care ma gandesc si acum cu drag, iar daca va citi vre-o data povestea asta, sa stie ca ii sunt vesnic recunoscatoare ca ne-a primit asa, de pe-o zi pe alta si ca, impreuna cu o echipa extraordinara de doctori si asistente, mi-a pus copilul pe picioare. De acolo am plecat acasa in 2 saptamani, iar David era bine!
Din nefericire, suferinta pe care a avut-o inainte de a se naste l-a lasat cu leziuni pe creieras, acestea purtand denumirea de Leucomalacie Periventriculara. Tot aceasta leucomalacie a condus spre tetrapareza spastica si spre Sindrom West (cea mai grava forma de epilepsie, care vine fulgerator si se lasa cu retard mental) care a inceput sa se manifeste cand David avea 7 luni. Facea cate 8-9 ture de cate 100 de crize intr-o zi. Uneori poate chiar mai multe. Cu ajutorul unei mamici foarte bine informate am ajuns la Cluj, unde ne-am tratat de Sindromul West si am scapat de crize relativ repede (cam la 4 luni dupa ce le-am depistat) insa acestea l-au facut sa piarda tot ceea ce a invatat sa faca pana atunci, cu mari eforturi din partea lui si a noastra.
Aflasem inainte sa merg la Cluj despre o terapie foarte promitatoare, anume Oxigenoterapia Hiperbara, care promite ca poate oxigena creierul chiar si in zonele unde acesta nu este vascularizat (adica exact ceea ce aveam noi nevoie, Leucomalacia fiind tocmai atrofierea unei parti a creierului datorita lipsei circulatiei din acea zona). Dar aceasta terapie este foarte costisitoare. O sedinta costa 400 de lei, iar noi a fost nevoie sa facem 14. Plus ca centrul se afla in Constanta, deci drumul si cazarea..cand tragem linie si adunam am cheltuit 2000euro cu aceasta terapie. Am avut mare noroc ca avem o familie care ne iubeste si au pus mana de la mana ca sa putem noi ajunge cu David acolo. Si a meritat. Dupa hiperbara, baietelul meu a devenit vioi, vesel, a inceput sa ne priveasca si sa se arate interesat ce ceea ce se intampla in jurul lui. Ni s-a recomandat sa reluam aceasta terapie macar o data pe an.
De atunci au trecut doi ani. Am inceput sa facem Reflexo terapie, Vojta, Kineto, masaj, Ergoterapie, sa mergem la bazin, iar progresele au fost bunicele, insa acum, la 2 ani si 7 luni, puiutul meu este evaluat ca fiind la nivelul unui copil de aproape 10 luni. Deocamdata stagnam la acel nivel, pentru ca de o luna si jumatate David a inceput sa faca din nou crize de epilepsie. A fost nevoie sa-i marim doza de anticonvulsivante si din aceasta cauza creierasul lui nu poate absorbi suficienta informatie din terapiile pe care le facem acum. Mi se rupe sufletul sa-l duc in parc, pentru ca stiu ca si-ar dori sa se joace si el cu alti copii, sa alerge, sa mearga pe bicicleta, dar aceasta boala nu ii permite una ca asta. Se uita la tobogan, insa nu isi poate sustine spatele ca sa se dea ca si ceilalti copii. Ma consolez cu gandul ca poate daca nu stie cum e nici nu ii lipseste, dar stiu ca nu e asa.
Am aflat recent de o terapie care pare extraordinara. Se numeste NACD si este fondata de un domn din SUA. Am discutat cu diverse mamici din Romania care spun ca au avut rezultate spectaculoase cu aceasta terapie si ne-am dori mult de tot sa o incercam. Inscrierea in program ne costa 1000$, iar mentinerea in program este 230$ pe luna. Pentru a putea face aceasta terapie si pentru a relua terapia Hiperbara avem mare nevoie de ajutorul vostru. Familiile noastre ne-au ajutat cum au putut, insa aceasta suma depaseste cu mult posibilitatile noastre materiale.
Daca aveti dorinta si puterea sa ne sprijiniti pentru a contribui la tratamentul lui David, va vom fi vesnic recunoscatori!

David was born on July 2nd 2010, although he hadn't been "programmed" until the end of August. During the pregnancy I did all kinds of medical checkups and every type of ultrasound test there was. I ran every blood test the doctors told me to do, and everything was perfectly fine.

Wen I was about 32 weeks into the pregnancy, the gynecologist who was monitoring me (dr. Terfeloaga from Arad) told me that I would have to give birth a little bit earlier than expected, because my placenta was already getting older...but she was not worried about it. She gave me the impression that this was normal...even though it was not. If I would have been just a bit smarter I would have asked for a second opinion and my baby boy may have been healthy now. But at that time, I still had faith in our medical staff. Big mistake!​

Two weeks since the last medical visit, I couldn't feel him moving, so I called my gynecologist to schedule an urgent appointment. She was surprised that I was back so soon, and after another ultrasound she said everything was OK and that the baby was weighing 1.8Kg. So I asked her if it was normal for him not to move. Only then did she start taking me a bit more seriously...just a little bit. She told me that I should go to the hospital, but it didn't necessarily have to be that day (it was Thursday) because she was going to Italy for the weekend and she would be back on it would be OK if I would go to the hospital on Monday, she said. Determined to not waste any more time, I packed my bags and went to the maternity. This would be the first (of many) bright idea that I've had since my son exists in my life.

So I arrived at the maternity...the same gynecologist was waiting for me there (before, she was monitoring me at a private clinic) but she told the nurses not to do an ultrasound because she had seen everything she needed to see...just to keep me there until Monday, when she would return, give me a C-section and that's that. I still think of the nurse who decided to give me an ultrasound, just in case, with the biggest amount of gratitude..she actually saved my baby's life. I got to the ultrasound room, where a bored blonde woman "greeted" me. I said Hello, and just got growling in return. I laid on the bed and that's when it all started. I saw her face change. She grabbed the phone and called someone. In 2 minutes, a short gentlemen arrived and looked at the monitor with concern. He told me to get dressed and come to his office. Later on I found out that he was the chief of the maternity ward. Until I got to his office he had already arranged for an ambulance to take me to Timisoara, where a doctor was ready to operate.

I was awake during the C-section. My baby did not cry wen he was born. He was tiny and purple...they didn't let me caress him, kiss him, let him know that there was someone in this world who loved him. The doctors did something and that's wen he squeaked very softly, two times. I was crying to them to bring him to me, at least show him to me..but he disappeared as quickly as he appeared into my life. They took him to intensive care, and there he remained for 3 weeks. I wasn't allowed to touch's so hard for me to remember these things. I remember there was a small hole in his incubator, and I would put my finger through it and caressed his hand, wen the nurses couldn't see me. After the operation, the doctor told my husband that the baby only had a half hour left until he would have died. I had no more amniotic fluid, even tough my water did not brake, and the uterus was suffocating my baby.."like a snake" he said. He couldn't believe that the gynecologist that kept me under observation did not see this.

Those 3 weeks were the longest weeks of my life. I was the only one in that hospital room that was not getting her baby every 3 hours to breast feed him. 4 groups of momies and babies came and went, and I was still there.

So after 3 weeks of crying and bribing the doctors and nurses, 3 weeks of being told that "we don't know what else to do", I packed my bags and demanded to be transferred to a different hospital, specialized on premature infants (bright idea #2). I held my baby for the first time in that hospital..I felt my knees shaking and I couldn't believe that this beautiful creature I had in my arms was that sad little baby I was staring at through the window of the incubator for all this time...that's when I knew that I would do everything in my power to make him well.

After another week in the ICU we were moved to a room where I could come and feed him every 3 those precious 10-15 minutes that I was allowed to be in the same room as him, I could caress him, sing to him, let him know that I was there...2 more months we've spent in that hospital. But it all went down hill again wen the chief of the hospital left for a vacation. The nurses and doctors were doing a very poor job at taking care of the babies. I remember, one day I came to feed David in the morning and he was shaking. So I called the doctor to ask if that was normal, and she said that it was. 3 hours later wen I came back, David had been sedated. Wen I asked why, they said "didn't you see how he was shaking??!!". Actually, those shakes were seizures, but nobody seemed worried about that, and they made no priority in explaining it to me. Without giving it any more thought, I asked for another transfer, to the hospital just across the street, To Dr. Craciun Adrian, who I am eternally grateful to, because he got David in shape in 2 weeks. His staff of very dedicated doctors and nurses helped us leave the hospital behind.

Unfortunately, the fact that he suffered during those last moments of my pregnancy left him with brain injuries, called Periventricular Leukomalacia, wich lead to spastic tetraparesis and West Syndrome (a rare form of epilepsy) that started manifesting wen David was 7 months old. With the help of a well-informed mother, we ended up going to Cluj for epilepsy treatment. We got rid of the seizures pretty quickly (about 4 months after they started manifesting) but they made him lose everything that he had learned until then. Right before we went to Cluj, I read about a very promising therapy, called Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, that can oxygenate the brain even in its injured part (which is exactly what we needed). But this therapy is very expensive, and it was located in Constanta, so even more expensive. One session costs 400 RON (almost 100 euro), and we needed to do 14 sessions. So we spent over 2000 euro on this therapy. We are very lucky to have a family that loves us, so they all chipped in to give us the money to go there, and it was worth it! After the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, my baby boy started smiling (he wasn't doing that before) and being interested in the things that were going on around him. It is recommended that we do this therapy at least once a year.

It has been 2 years since then. We started doing Reflexo Therapy, Vojta Therapy, Kinetotherapy, Massage, Ergotherapy and Swim Therapy, and the progress was OK, but now, at 2 years and 7 months, my baby has the neurological age of about 10 months. We are stagnating at the moment, because before Christmas, David started having seizures again. We had to give him a bigger dose of anti convulsants and because of this, his brain can not absorb all the necessary information from the therapies we are doing now. It brakes my heart to take him to the park, because I know he would want to play with other children, to run, to ride a bicycle, but this stupid disease does not allow him to do those things. Le looks at the slide, but he can't support his back well enough to play on it like the other children. I console myself with the thought that maybe if he doesn't know how it feels than he won't miss it, but I know it's not true.

I recently found out about a therapy that seems extraordinary. It's called NACD and is founded by a gentlemen in USA. I talked to several mothers in Romania that have been practicing this therapy, and they said that their children have improved a lot since they started NACD. We would really like to try it but the registration alone costs 1000$, and remaining in the program will cost 230$ per month. To be able to do this therapy, and redo the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy we really need your help! Our families have helped us in every way they could, but this amount is way over our possibilities.

If you can support us with any kind of contribution to David's well being, we will be forever grateful!   


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