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Cei ce doresc sa ne sprijine financiar pentru a putea beneficia de terapiile de care David are nevoie, pot dona orice suma, cat de mica, in urmatoarele conturi:
RO46RNCB0636034229580001 cont in dolari (USD), beneficiar Karin Tatucu, Banca BCR
RO25RNCB0015034229580001 cont in lei (RON), beneficiar Karin Tatucu, Banca BCR
RO19RNCB0636034229580002 cont in EURO, beneficiar Karin Tatucu, Banca BCR
Aveti de asemenea posibilitatea de a cumpara niste lucrusoare Hand Made, facute de mine in scopul strangerii de fonduri pentru David de aici:

Avem nevoie de aproximativ 5000 de euro pe an pentru a ne putea atinge telurile.

Va multumim tuturor care ati citit continutul siteului lui David. Orice ajutor din partea voastra il poate aduce pe baietelul meu cu un pas mai aproape de viata linistita si lipsita de griji pe care ar trebui sa o traiasca orice copil. Chiar daca situatia nu va permite sa faceti o donatie, vi-as fi extrem de recunoscatoare daca ati spune cunostintelor voastre despre acest site.
Va multumim mult tuturor!
David, Karin si Tavi

Those of you who would like to support us financially in being able to do the therapies that David needs, can donate any ammount, no matter how small, in these accounts:

RO46RNCB0636034229580001 USD account, beneficiary Karin Tatucu, BCR Bank
RO25RNCB0015034229580001 RON account, beneficiary Karin Tatucu, BCR Bank

RO19RNCB0636034229580002 EURO account, beneficiary Karin Tatucu, BCR Bank​

You also have the possibility to buy some Hand Made objects that I made to raise money for my son David here:

​We need about 5000 euro per year to be able to achieve our goals.

A big Thank You to everyone who read the content of David's site. Any help from you can bring my baby boy one step closer to the life that every child should live. Even if you can't make a donation, I would be extremely grateful if you would tell your friends about this website.

Thank you all!


David, Karin & Tavi


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